The Ministry of Jal Shakti is determined to overcome the challenges of the water sector and meet the present-day need for developing, planning, distributing, and managing optimal water resources.
To help drive this mission in India and empower greater efficiency and sustainability in the water sector, the Ministry of Jal Shakti supported by National Institute Of Urban Affairs, APAC News Network and Schneider Electric are determined to bridge the gap and rectify crucial challenges like the modernization of pipelines and water treatment plants under a limited budget. Delivering sustainable water infrastructure and efficient management of water on priority.
The ongoing wave of digitization has brought with it a multitude of opportunities to change the world as we know it across all industries and initiatives. It is time we leverage this wave to make impactful decisions to conserve and protect the most important natural resource known to man and transform our future into one that is sustainable.
At Schneider Electric, sustainability is at the core of our purpose, culture and business as we accelerate our contributions towards building an inclusive and sustainable world. We are determined to bridge the gap between different water processes and offers that effectively enhance applications and processes across the water cycle by providing Connected Products, Edge Control, Apps, Analytics, and Services.
Green Yodha by Schneider Electric is a community of Eco-Warriors that unite in an effort to take action and reduce carbon emissions on the planet. Through this initiative, you will be part of a community that is at the forefront of making everything- from our industries to our homes, more sustainable and resilient through tangible actions.
Schneider Electric is partnering with Ministry of Jal Shakti, National Institute Of Urban Affairs and APAC News Network to tackle the challenges of water and water management in India and accelerate our contributions towards building an inclusive and sustainable water infrastructure. Together, we have the resources and technology necessary to enable you to bridge the gap between different water processes and digitization that can help WWW facilities become sustainable and efficient.
If you don’t already know, ageing infrastructure, climate change, and sustainability mandates will most likely impact your operations in the years to come. To maintain your processes across the water cycle — while facing these new challenges — you’ll have to look beyond your potentially dated infrastructure toward digital solutions.
This program offers cognizance on effective and sustainable water management through a series of knowledge sharing session to build a community of eco-warriors in the water sector who are committed to adopt and promote efficient and sustainable technology practices and adoption across water industry.
This is essential to overcome the water crisis in the country and we are committed to doing so and meeting the present-day & future needs for safe, reliable and affordable water.
Director General
National Mission for Clean Ganga
Ministry of Jal Shakti
Government of India
Advisor - Water & Land Resources
NITI Aayog
Government of India
National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA)
Chief Marketing Officer
Schneider Electric India
Vice President –
Industrial Automation
Schneider Electric India
Segment Head -
Water and Waste Water
Schneider Electric India
Supporting Partners
Supported By