Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu has launched the ‘Har Din Sehat’ campaign, aimed at fostering a culture of health consciousness and disease prevention among the state’s residents. This initiative is designed to improve public health by raising awareness about adopting healthy lifestyles and making better use of government health services.
As part of the campaign, students from Indira Gandhi Medical College (IGMC), Shimla, and Sister Nivedita Nursing College will organize health talks at various locations. These activities will be conducted in different wards and outpatient departments (OPDs) of IGMC Shimla, as well as at public venues within the Shimla municipal corporation area.
The Chief Minister emphasized that the campaign seeks to prevent diseases, promote awareness of government health facilities, and encourage the effective utilization of health services and schemes. He added that the initiative is envisioned as a long-term effort to integrate health awareness into daily life, creating a more informed and health-conscious society.
The program aims to address health challenges by focusing on education and outreach, particularly in urban and semi-urban areas. The involvement of medical and nursing students underscores the state’s commitment to leveraging local resources and expertise to build a robust public health system.
With this campaign, Himachal Pradesh has taken a proactive approach to healthcare, reinforcing its focus on prevention, early diagnosis, and effective management of health issues, ultimately striving for a healthier future for its citizens.
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